Tuesday, August 18, 2009

The Happy Hills

Hi ! everybody sorry we're so late getting this started. This has been more than imtimidating but here we go. We'll try doing this everyday or so with pictures to go along with our news. We hope this will come to pass cross your fingers that we can do this. Our last 10 weeks have been anything but dull and we have learned much and hope we've been able to teach some. We want to send you some pictures of the area first.


  1. I want to see some pictures, too. I hope this will come to pass:) We'll get it.

    My fingers, toes and nose are crossed.

    Love you!

  2. Hi Grandma,

    Do you like going into the Sacred Grove almost every day? Love,Raquel Dear Grandpa,
    I love you how are you doing! Keep up the good work! love,Raquel
