Friday, September 18, 2009

At the Hill

We just took the exit from the thur-way and was driving towards the Hill when all of a sudden we saw the Angel Moroni's Monument up on the Hill, it was absolutely gorgeous and we just can't express the feeling we had. We have arrived. It was so exciting. You really are driving down and the road and all of a sudden there is the Hill Cumorah Visitors Center. It faces the road and the Christis is just beautiful. So, people really come to see what it is.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

The Happy Hills

Hi ! everybody sorry we're so late getting this started. This has been more than imtimidating but here we go. We'll try doing this everyday or so with pictures to go along with our news. We hope this will come to pass cross your fingers that we can do this. Our last 10 weeks have been anything but dull and we have learned much and hope we've been able to teach some. We want to send you some pictures of the area first.

Friday, July 24, 2009

Friday July 24th, Pioneering My Blog

Believe it or not, finally after 5 weeks, I was able to get into our Blog. I'm not exactly sure how I did it, but here we are. It's been raining again throughout the night; it's very cloudy and we're trying to get ready to move to our new apartment which is across the street from us. Hopefully, our cell phone and computer will work much better there. I'm going to miss this apartment. It's very cute and compact. You get two people in the bathroom and it's full.